Construction Update #2
The extensive demolition necessary began in March, and in April we were excited to see the new Food Club & Opportunity Hub layout begin to take shape! Our construction partners at Lakewood Construction are leading on some big work over the last month, including:
Completion of abatement and demolition;
Parking lot demolition to make way for the new entryway and parking lot flow;
Wall framing;
Basement warehouse concrete floor pouring; and
Truck dock preparation.
Check out the photos below to see how this exciting work is shaping up!
Our partners at Lakewood Construction are reporting everything on schedule for completion in September. We’re looking forward to being able to open services at our new location this October if we keep to our schedule.
This month, the interior rebuilding continues in earnest, and the truck dock and parking lot are taking shape more completely. Meanwhile, we’re hard at work with our various partners to complete designs for plumbing, electrical, demonstration kitchen, and furniture layouts.
When you drive past 739 Paw Paw, you are likely to see trucks, equipment, and construction teams hard at work, all to make this vision a reality.
Here’s a quick summary of our planned timelines that we continue to drive towards:
March 9 - Demolition and construction begins!
April/May - Furniture and fixtures plans finalized and ordered; internal construction and parking lot renovations begin
May/June - Public campaign launches to spread the word on Food Club, with a big effort to reach our full campaign goal of $4.25M!
August/September - Volunteer and member recruitment promotion and events
September - Construction completed; community day(s) tbd
October - Open for service
We’re proud to be working with so many of you to provide this incredible new resource, aligned so well with our community’s present needs. Stay tuned for more updates to come, and help spread the word! It takes a movement that we’re building together.