Donate Today
We need gifts of all shapes and sizes to support and sustain our expanded services at the Food Club & Opportunity Hub. Join, and help all of our neighbors access the healthy, affordable food they need but too often cannot afford.
For more information about tax-advantaged giving, including gifts from IRAs or other retirement accounts, please click here.
Donate by Mail
Mail your designated donation (noting ‘Food Club’) to:
Community Action House
739 Paw Paw Dr
Holland, MI 49423
Contact us anytime to discuss your financial partnership
Do you want to discuss your giving approach? We’re ready to work with you! Contact Scott Rumpsa at | 616.392.2368 x110
Ease of Giving
➔ We are a qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Accordingly, your charitable gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of state and federal laws.
➔ We welcome check, bank transfer, or credit card donations.
➔ Transferring appreciated assets from your investment portfolio may provide you with an additional tax advantage.
➔ Donors over 70 1/2 may find that rolling over an IRA is a highly attractive option with significant tax benefits.
➔ Some donors may consider a charitable bequest through their will or estate plan.
➔ Do check with your tax advisor to determine your personal tax situation.
In-Kind Donations
Donations of food and personal care items can be dropped off at Food Club, located at 739 Paw Paw drive. When donating, please drop items in the green bins located outside (alongside the parking lot on Paw Paw drive). Our front doors are open and the front desk is available if you have any questions!