Our site is designed to welcome guests by car, bus, or bike. Significantly, our site plan adjusts the parking lot layout to ensure direct service buses and shuttles, as well as future fixed bus route(s) (we’re discussing this with MAX Transit), have adequate turning space and dedicated drop off zones near the entrance.
A second building on site (recently Chan’s Martial Arts) was renovated as a partner rental. We’re excited to share that our friends at Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates are leasing this space and serving their clients on site. This not only provides an opportunity for clients to efficiently access the complementary resources provided by each nonprofit, but also provides earned income to help sustain Food Club operations.
The large backlot provides the space for a future food growing operation. Community Action House has long been proud of the all volunteer run Holland Community Garden. We envision a similar effort that provides healthy produce in season for Food Club shelves, while also serving as a community educational opportunity.